Salon Survey Form
Questions about your experience
Please rate the quality of our products: Poor12345 Excellent
How was the overall appearance of our shop? Poor12345 Excellent
How would you rate the salon environment overall? Poor12345 Excellent
How would you rate your experience overall? Poor12345 Excellent
How would you rate our pricing? High12345 Low
Questions pertain to our staff
Please rate your stylist overall: Poor12345 Excellent
How was your stylist knowledge of her job? Poor12345 Excellent
How would you rate your stylists appearance Poor12345 Excellent
How was the cleanliness of stylist station Poor12345 Excellent
How did your stylist listen to your requests? Poor12345 Excellent
Would you recommend us to friends or family> Please select:YesNoMaybe
The Following items are NOT Required
Stylist's Name
Date of Appointment

Your Name (optional)

Your Email (optional)

Comments (optional)